A Horse Is…

The Horse…

Has been a compassionate dance partner throughout my life.


In the beginning,

I took the lead position, always stepping on his toes

I set the rhythm and tempo 

 Shouting and correcting dance moves that were never good enough

Insisting that I always to choose the song 

Constantly comparing us to other couples on the dance floor


Slowly, subtly as time when on, 

As I began to exhale, relax and listen

I could sense the pregnant pauses

 The spaces between our heartbeats

I found beauty as our mutual moves unfolded

Into a graceful flow of calm connection

Through space and time


 It is then that I finally realized 

He was teaching and leading quietly the whole time.


Now that I am aging, it matters not whether we dance or not, we are always at peace side by side.


The Frog Who Lost His Ribbit


What Does it Take to Fly?